Welkome to Circuli Vitae


Greetings, brothers and slaves of Circuli Vitae, the guardians of the veiled realms within the intricate tapestry of Gor. As you enter the silent embrace of the Circle of Life, know that you stand within the hallowed sanctuary where the art of the assassin is revered and the dance of shadows unfolds.


Nestled within the Black Caste, Circuli Vitae is a testament to the mastery of unseen arts, where the path of the assassin is not merely a skill but a sacred calling. Here, in the concealed folds of secrecy, we honor the subtle craft of silence and discretion, recognizing the delicate balance that shapes the destiny of all who tread this mysterious path.

Within Circuli Vitae, every step is a whisper, every gesture a silent pledge. We are the weavers of fate, the unseen hands that shape the destiny of individuals and cities alike. Our existence is veiled, our purpose shrouded in the enigma of the shadows.

As you delve into the lore of the Black Caste under the banner of Circuli Vitae, immerse yourself in the teachings of subtlety, the art of stealth, and the silent dance of shadows. Embrace the duality of existence, understanding that in the clandestine realms we navigate, life and death are but two facets of the same inexorable force.


May the veiled wisdom of Circuli Vitae guide your steps, and may the shadows grant you the strength to navigate the intricate web of Gorean life. Welcome, and may your journey within these silent circles be both enlightening and perilous.

Circuli Vitae - Black Caste Courts/Groups

1. | Malignance : Black of Port Kar |

  • Master Assassin: Melchior Wardell
  • Killer Name: Crow
  • BC Banner/Sigil: The emblem displays a spear, which is a favored weapon among assassins. Additionally, it depicts a shark indicating the court's location in Port Kar and the surrounding marshes.
  • Stand for: This emblem serves as a representation of attributes: swiftness and cunning. The members of Crows Court possess a deadly combination of these qualities, making them a formidable force within the Black Caste.

2. Kassau Court

  • Master Assassin: Daimos Baarer
  • Killer Name: Arsus
  • BC Banner/Sigil:
  • Stand for: The black shadow emerges from the silence of the darkness. When the gleam of light flashes off the shiny metal of the deadly blade, it is usually too late.

3. Silent Dagger

  • Master Assassin: Ferguson Hawker
  • Killer Name: Hawk
  • BC Banner/Sigil:
  • Stand for: Silent Dagger is the tool of an Assassin. It reminds us of how we work, silently and behind the scenes.

4. Unknown Court so far

  • Master Assassin: Rancher Koenig
  • Killer Name: R
  • BC Banner/Sigil:
  • Stand for: Skull of death

5. Black Caste Syndicate

  • Master Assassin (SL Name): unknown
  • Killer Name: ?
  • BC Banner/Sigil:
  • Stand for:

    Discover the Black Caste Syndicate, led by Master Assassin ?. More than just a camp, we're a sanctuary for those who seek our values, skills, and camaraderie.

    Our mission is clear: To strengthen, teach, and build together. We, The Black Caste Syndicate, transforms individuals into extraordinary forces. If you're eager to join us or learn more, contact our MA. Unleash your potential and embrace our rich traditions with us today.

Original Founder of Black Caste Syndicate: Bluefire Ghost

Official BCS, Founded 10/17/23 (c) ™All Rights Reserved


Gorean Black Caste

The Black Caste is responsible for matters related to stealth, espionage, and the art of assassination. Members of the Black Caste are trained in various skills that make them effective agents in the shadows.

Here are some key points about the Black Caste (Assassins):

  1. Assassination Skills: Members of the Black Caste are trained in the art of assassination, including stealth, poison, and other covert techniques. They are skilled in eliminating targets discreetly.

  2. Secrecy and Disguise: The Black Caste operates in secrecy, and its members may use disguises and subterfuge to carry out their assignments without being detected.

  3. Independent Contractors: Unlike the more organized and hierarchical Red Caste (Caste of Warriors), the Black Caste often consists of independent contractors who may be hired for specific tasks.

  4. Controversial Reputation: The Black Caste is often viewed with suspicion and fear by other castes due to its association with covert and sometimes illicit activities.

6. Circuli Vitae

  • Master Assassin (SL Name): Many
  • Killer Name: Many
  • BC Banner/Sigil: A killer shrouded in Black with the Book of Caste Codes and wisdom, walking in the golden beaming light that represends the Contacts or alliance to the general pouplation of the Caste..
  • The circle round and still broken gives the meaning of circle never ending, A life begins and ends, yet keeps going around and round
  • Stand for: The Circle of Life [CV] is an group combined of many other smaller groups, to communicate and gather as an united force in SL

The Oath of the Black caste;

..I am a Killer; Fear me...
For with the black dagger, I bring Death.
I am a Killer; Despise me...
For a coin will buy a Life.
I am a Killer; Covet me...
For I carry the secrets to kill a Man.
I am a Killer; Woo me...
For I will not stop until my quarry is Dead.
I am a Killer; Respect me...
For with the black dagger, I bring Justice.

I swear this day, before you all, that I will obey the
laws of Gor and uphold the Ideals of the Black Caste.
To respect the Guild Elders and to protect the weak.
My word is my bond and my bond is my Honor. I will
hold Honor above all. For Honor is the Highest Goal
and Life, the Highest Cost.

I am a Killer; Honor me...
For with this Oath, I join your ranks.
I am a Killer.
So it is written.
So it is done.
I am a Killer.

So be It